Episode 030 – Data for Authors

This week on the podcast, we’re talking about my geeky love of data and how knowing your numbers can help you make decisions in your author business. Why do I love data? Data tells you where you’ve been and where you can go.

From average word count output, to getting the best bang for your advertising buck, data helps us to be good business owners and strategic decision-makers.

I hope you find this episode inspiring and helpful.

*Affiliate links may be included. You never pay more, but I may make a small commission on your purchase. This helps to pay for the running of this site.

Infographic summarising article content. Text reads:
Data as Storytelling: Understand progress and audience engagement.
Track Writing Habits: Monitor productivity and refine routines.
Gauge Audience Resonance: Tailor writing to reader preferences.
Utilize Market Trends: Inform project choices and marketing plans.
Simple Data Tracking: Begin with word counts and platform analytics.
Personalized Data Service: Access tailored analysis for marketing insights.

Listen now wherever you stream podcasts.


Hello Navigators! Welcome back to Writer Roadmap. I’m your host, Holly Lyne, and in today’s episode, we’re diving into a topic that excites me more than most – the power of data in our writing journeys. Yes, you heard it right – data! It’s not just a tool for scientists or marketers (although we are marketers too); data can be a writer’s best friend, guiding us through our past achievements and lighting the path forward. Let’s explore why data is so crucial and how it can transform our writing adventures.

Data: The Storyteller’s Compass

Data might seem dry or impersonal at first glance, but it’s actually a storytelling tool in disguise. It narrates where we’ve been, what we’ve accomplished, and where our potential lies. For writers, this means understanding our progress, our audience, and our most impactful works.

Tracking Progress: Data allows us to track our writing habits – how many words we write, when we write most effectively, and how our productivity changes over time. This insight is invaluable for refining our routines and maximizing our creative output.

Understanding Our Audience: Through data, we can see which of our stories resonate the most with readers. Which book sold the most copies? What blog post had the highest engagement? This information helps us understand our readers’ preferences and tailor our future works to their interests.

The Predictive Power of Data

Data isn’t just about looking back; it’s about predicting and shaping the future. By analysing trends, we can make informed decisions about what to write next, where to focus our marketing efforts, and how to grow our audience.

Market Trends: Data reveals trends in reader interests and genre popularity. This insight can guide us in choosing our next project or experimenting with new genres or topics. I highly recommend subscribing to K-Lytics and buying the genre reports for the genre you write in. Alex Newton there is a wizard with Amazon market data and he does all of the analysis and breaks it down into easy-to-follow, illustrated reports. From what kinds of covers are selling, to keywords and beyond, he’s got you covered.

Future Planning: With data, we can set realistic, achievable goals based on our past performance. It helps in forecasting future sales, understanding potential revenue streams, and planning our publishing schedules.

Embracing Data in Your Writing Life

So, how can you start incorporating data into your writing life?

Start Simple: Begin by tracking your daily or weekly word counts. Notice patterns and adjust your writing schedule accordingly.

Use Tools and Platforms: Utilize writing apps and platforms that offer analytics. This can range from sales data on publishing platforms to engagement stats on your blog or social media.

Be Curious and Analytical: Look at your data with a curious and open mind. What does it tell you about your writing habits, your audience’s preferences, and your overall growth as a writer?

Get help: If you would like some help analysing and interpreting your own data, then we here at Writer Roadmap can help with that. We’re offering a new service to authors, headed up by my husband, Andy. He’s a software developer with a head for data and analytics and he can take a look at your numbers and help guide you in understanding what they mean and what the next best steps might be for you in your marketing tactics. If you’re interested in this service, drop us an email to andy@writerroadmap.com

Navigators, data is more than just numbers and graphs; it’s a compass guiding our writing ships through uncharted waters. By understanding and embracing data, we can make more informed decisions, better connect with our readers, and pave the way for future success.

If you’re looking to delve deeper into the world of data or share your experiences, join our community on Patreon at patreon.com/hollylyne.

Don’t forget to subscribe to Writer Roadmap, and share this episode with fellow writers who might be curious about the power of data. Until next time, keep writing, keep analyzing, and keep navigating your unique path with data as your guide.

Writer Roadmap intro and outro music used under license from Pixabay. Music track “Salangseuleoun” was Created by “Dayfox”.

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