Episode 036 – Recharging Input for Writers

Hello Navigators. This week on the podcast, I talk about ways that those of us who thrive on gathering lots of information can utilise this trait to gain energy and supercharge our author careers.

If you’re familiar with CliftonStrnegths and have Input in your top 10, you will recognise yourself in this episode.

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Infographic summarising text of article. Text reads:
Recharging Input
    Curated Learning: Focus on topics to enhance writing.
    Use Info as Inspiration: Turn trivia into story seeds.
    Organize Knowledge: Create systems for easy info access.
    Share Knowledge: Teach or write to solidify learning.
    Join Communities: Exchange ideas in groups or forums.
    Reflect and Synthesize: Review info for new insights.

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Welcome to Writer Roadmap, the podcast for writers seeking inspiration, guidance, and support on their creative journey. I’m your host, Holly Lyne, your compass in this vast literary landscape. Today, we’re diving into a topic that’s close to the heart of all you knowledge seekers and information gatherers out there. It’s about how absorbing, cataloging, and leveraging vast amounts of information isn’t just a habit—it’s a superpower for recharging your creative batteries.

For those of us who love to learn, who can’t resist a deep dive into research, and who feel energized by acquiring new knowledge, our penchant for information isn’t just a trait; it’s a tool. This endless curiosity fuels our creativity, providing a wellspring of ideas and inspiration for our writing. But how do we harness this love for information in a way that keeps our creative batteries charged and ready to go? Let’s explore.

Harnessing the Power of Information

Curated Learning: Create themed learning weeks or months where you focus on a specific topic related to your current writing project or a future one. This focused approach not only satisfies your hunger for knowledge but also directs it in a way that benefits your writing directly.

Information as Inspiration: Use the facts, trivia, and knowledge you gather as seeds for stories, characters, and settings. A peculiar historical event, an interesting scientific fact, or a philosophical theory can be the foundation of a compelling narrative.

Cataloguing for Creativity: Develop a system to organize and catalogue the information you collect. Whether it’s digital notes, physical binders, or a sprawling mind map, having an organized system allows you to retrieve and connect different pieces of information creatively.

Now, let’s get into some specific actions you can take to engage your curiosity and systematically channel the vast sea of information into your creative process.

Engaging Your Curiosity

Curiosity doesn’t just lead us to information; it leads us to inspiration. Dive into books on topics that fascinate you, attend lectures that challenge your understanding, or enrol in courses that expand your knowledge base. These activities not only feed your curiosity but also open new doors for your writing.

Creating a System for Information

As you gather this treasure trove of knowledge, consider creating a database or a filing system to organize it. Digital tools like note-taking apps or physical systems like index cards can help you keep track of your discoveries, making it easier to retrieve and use them when the moment strikes. A well-organized system ensures that no gem of information is lost and that every piece can be connected in creative ways.

Sharing Your Knowledge

Knowledge grows when shared. By teaching, mentoring, or writing about what you’ve learned, you not only reinforce your own understanding but also contribute to the growth of others. This sharing can take many forms: leading a workshop, contributing to a writers’ forum, or penning articles or blog posts. Each act of sharing can also refine your ideas, opening up new avenues for exploration in your writing.

Connecting with Like-Minded Individuals

There’s immense value in finding a community of curious minds. Join a book club that explores diverse genres, attend conferences that gather experts and enthusiasts, or participate in online forums dedicated to your interests. These connections can spark discussions, provide different perspectives, and deepen your understanding of your chosen subjects.

Reflecting and Analysing

Finally, set aside time for reflection and analysis. Regularly review the information you’ve gathered to synthesize new insights and ideas. This reflective practice is not just about looking back; it’s about looking forward, identifying connections between seemingly disparate pieces of information, and generating new concepts that can enrich your writing. It’s in these moments of reflection that breakthroughs often happen, where information transforms into inspiration.

Concluding Thoughts

The act of discovering new information itself can be a powerful way to recharge. Allow yourself regular “discovery time” set aside purely for exploring new topics with no specific goal in mind. This unstructured exploration can lead to unexpected connections and ideas, sparking creativity in surprising ways.

While gathering information is energizing, it’s important to balance this input with creative output. Use timers or schedule specific “input” and “output” times in your day to ensure that the information you gather fuels your writing, rather than detracting from it.

Engaging your curiosity, organizing your insights, sharing your discoveries, connecting with fellow enthusiasts, and reflecting on your learning journey—these are the pillars that support not just the accumulation of knowledge, but its transformation into creative energy. As writers, our love for learning isn’t just a personal trait; it’s a professional tool, one that can illuminate paths not only for ourselves but also for our readers.

For those of us who love to learn, our challenge isn’t finding information; it’s in using that information to enrich our stories and ignite our creative fires. Embrace your love for learning, navigators. Let it lead you to unexpected places in your writing and keep your creative energy flowing.

If you’ve found unique ways to channel your love for information into your writing, I’d love to hear about it. Share your stories and strategies with our community, and let’s inspire each other with our discoveries.
Don’t forget to subscribe to Writer Roadmap, and share this episode with your fellow information-loving writers. Until next time, keep gathering, keep cataloguing, and most importantly, keep writing.

Writer Roadmap intro and outro music used under license from Pixabay. Music track “Salangseuleoun” was Created by “Dayfox”.

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