Episode 037 – Building Self-Esteem for Writers

In today’s episode, I share why healthy self-esteem matters and how you can improve yours.

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Colourful infographic summarising article text. Text reads:

Self-Esteem for Writers

Boost Creativity: High self-esteem enhances creative risk-taking.
Embrace Rejection: View setbacks as growth steps, not failures.
Celebrate Wins: Small successes build confidence.
Positive Affirmations: Shift mindset with positive self-talk.
Set Clear Goals: Specific targets foster achievement.
Feedback & Kindness: Use criticism for growth; treat setbacks with self-compassion

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Welcome to Writer Roadmap, the podcast for writers seeking inspiration, guidance, and support on their creative journey. I’m your host, Holly Lyne and today, we’re exploring an important topic for pretty much every writer: self-esteem. It’s the silent undercurrent that influences not just how we write, but why we write, and sometimes, whether we write at all. High self-esteem can be a writer’s best ally, fuelling our creativity, resilience, and willingness to share our stories with the world. So, let’s dive into how boosting our self-esteem can unlock new levels of creativity and fulfilment in our writing.

Self-esteem in writing isn’t just about feeling good about our work; it’s about feeling confident in our ability to express ourselves, to overcome challenges, and to navigate the inevitable rejections and critiques that come our way. Low self-esteem can be a barrier, whispering doubts and fears, making us question our worth and our words. But here’s the good news: like any skill, self-esteem can be nurtured and grown.

Why Self-Esteem Matters for Writers

Creativity Flourishes: High self-esteem acts as fertile soil for creativity. When we believe in ourselves, our ideas flow more freely, and we’re more open to exploration and risk-taking in our storytelling.

Resilience Against Rejection: Rejection is a part of the writing life, but with a strong sense of self-esteem, we can see it as a step in our journey, not a reflection of our worth.

Sharing Boldly: High self-esteem empowers us to share our work more boldly and widely, seeking out opportunities for publication, contests, and feedback.

Building Your Self-Esteem as a Writer

Celebrate Every Success

In the world of writing, where the landscape is often shaped by our perseverance through rejection and critique, celebrating every success becomes not just a joy, but a necessity. Whether it’s completing a first draft, submitting a piece to a magazine, receiving positive feedback from a beta reader, launching your latest book, or even experiencing your best sales month yet, each of these milestones deserves recognition.

Why? Because each accomplishment is a testament to your dedication, skill, and growth as a writer. They are tangible proofs of your progress on this journey. Celebrating them does more than just offer a moment of happiness; it reinforces your confidence in your abilities and your path as an author.

But how do we celebrate? The ways can be as varied and unique as writers themselves. Perhaps it’s a small ritual, like a special cup of coffee or a walk in a place you love. Maybe it’s something more significant, like a nice dinner out or a new book from a favorite author. Or it could be as simple as taking a moment to acknowledge your achievement, to really let it sink in and fill you with pride.

Share your successes with others who understand and appreciate the journey—fellow writers, supportive friends, or family members. Their congratulations can amplify your sense of achievement and belonging to a community that values creative efforts.

Furthermore, documenting these successes can create a personal archive of achievement—a motivational tool for those days when doubt creeps in. Keep a success journal, a visual board, or even a digital folder with positive feedback and milestones achieved.

By celebrating every success, we not only build our confidence but also create a reservoir of positive energy to draw from in times of challenge. It’s a reminder that our efforts bear fruit, that progress is being made, and that every step forward is worth acknowledgment and joy.

Affirmations and Positive Self-Talk

Transforming our inner dialogue is pivotal in bolstering self-esteem. The words we whisper to ourselves have immense power, shaping our beliefs and perceptions. Start by identifying negative self-talk and consciously replacing it with positive affirmations. Remind yourself daily of your dedication to your craft, your past successes (no matter how small), and your unique voice that has something valuable to say. Consider affirmations like, “I am a committed writer who improves with every word I write,” or “I have unique stories within me deserving to be shared.” This practice can shift your mindset over time, fostering a more supportive and encouraging internal environment.

Set Achievable Goals

Goals give us direction, but achievable goals provide us with the momentum of regular achievement. Break your writing aspirations into attainable objectives. Rather than a vague goal like “write a book,” set specific, measurable targets: “write 500 words daily,” or “complete the first draft by the end of the quarter.” Celebrate each goal met as a step closer to your larger ambition. This approach not only advances your project but also builds a scaffolding of success, reinforcing your belief in your ability to achieve.

Seek Constructive Feedback

Engaging with constructive feedback is a dual-edged sword in building self-esteem. On one edge, it sharpens your skills and hones your work. On the other, it requires vulnerability and resilience. Approach feedback with an open mind, distinguishing between critique aimed at your work (not you as a person) and recognizing it as a valuable tool for growth. Seek feedback from trusted sources who support your development. Learning to process feedback positively reaffirms your commitment to growth and bolsters your confidence in handling challenges.

Practice Self-Compassion

The journey of writing is fraught with challenges, making self-compassion an essential companion. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would offer a friend. Acknowledge that setbacks, rejections, and “bad writing days” are part of the process, not indictments of your talent or worth. Remind yourself that every writer faces these hurdles and that perseverance, not perfection, is the key to success. Engaging in self-care, setting realistic expectations, and allowing yourself grace during difficult times reinforce a healthy self-esteem that’s resilient to the ups and downs of a writer’s life.

Remember, improving self-esteem is a journey, not a destination. It’s about gradual progress, not instant perfection. As writers, our words are an extension of ourselves. By fostering positive self-esteem, we’re not just improving our writing; we’re enhancing our overall well-being and our ability to connect with readers.

So, Navigators, as you continue on your writing journey, I encourage you to take steps to bolster your self-esteem. Believe in your story, your voice, and your worth. The world needs your unique stories, told only as you can.

If you’ve found strategies that help boost your self-esteem as a writer, I’d love to hear about them. Join the conversation on our platform, and let’s uplift one another.

Don’t forget to subscribe to Writer Roadmap, and share this episode with a fellow writer who might need a boost of confidence today. Until next time, keep writing, keep believing in yourself, and keep navigating towards your dreams.

Writer Roadmap intro and outro music used under license from Pixabay. Music track “Salangseuleoun” was Created by “Dayfox”.

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